It’s best not to linger in any one zone for long periods of time if you wish to get calls for all survivor/psychopath missions.
Also note, you WILL NOT receive calls while inside the safe house. Simply leave the area and return and they should be there. This can happen if you’re in the area when the call was supposed to come. Occasionally you may not get a call for some survivor/psychopath missions or you may get them late. Failure to rescue survivors or kill psychopaths in a timely manor may result in some survivors never appearing. Keep in mind that only 8 survivors/psychopaths may occupy the game world (outside of the safe house) at any given time. Survivors that you don’t receive a call about are listed as “No mission.” Survivors will not spawn while you are in their respective area.
Non-case related survivors are listed by date/time (approximate) that you first encounter them. Unlike previous Dead Rising games, there is no achievement for completing the notebook or rescuing all the survivors, however rescuing them nets you quite a bit of PP and often they offer rewards like money, Zombrex, Combo Cards and a couple are necessary for achievements.