And in the end shpherd was SO BLAND! ARGH! it felt like playing as a bloody accountant it was so dull! MW2 was hideously flawed, poorly balanced, boring, and full of twelve year olds using hacked, pirated versions of the game. The game might be good for one more playthrough. I'll probably replay a few levels again, but I can see where you coming from on that. For replayability, I'd think that's a matter of opinion. It should have been designed differently so that I wouldn't have to do that. I've found a way to get around that though and have different copies, but that really shouldn't be necessary.
Vindekarr, so far, I've had no problems with saving files, other than you can't choose different files to save to. I'll probably do another -1 point for the other technical problems. That's the reason I'm going to give to automatically take my score of the game down to 9 out of 10 in my review. The controls are horrendous, but that's why I stated that an Xbox controller for the PC is really a necessity. As far as the keyboard/mouse thing, yeah, that's the game's biggest flaw. Makes sense that a Sith gets life from killing. Are you talking about the life you get back when you kill them? The green things that's barely visible and comes to you. And I'm not sure what you mean about glowing orbs. Halororor, I think it was meant to be a platformer.